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The Art Teacher

There is something about the value of art in North America that Artist feel so deprived from. Over the years Art has changed from classical art, impressionism, abstract, conceptual and modern art. There's more, a lot more and I am not going to get into that crazy list. As a country the teaching of art has diminished and only children really grasp the idea of creativity. There are the few that have never left the creativity and grew up never stopping the art process.

Some may have become animator, sculptor, clay animator and other have made it in the art world that is super tight nit and hard to break that glass. America is hard to become a well know artist; at least before Instagram. The power of social media has opened up doors for the local artist and artist that are of minority. Shout out to the ones that have gained over 100k followers! That is a feat that is becoming insanely hard now with Instagram changing their algorithm.

As an artist, I have been struggling with what I want to end up doing with my work. I have done markets and selling prints, I have the social media accounts, and now I have started teaching art with a company that lets say has the following but I am not sure if going on my own will benefit if I do not have the following.

Art teachers have it so hard in America! I for one know that because of the value the country has for art in general. Collectors only collect because of money value, not because of the beauty (okay some collect for beauty) . Museum collect because of history and honestly they may be the only ones that truly support the value of what art mean to the human race. But artist, we are the moving force in this world to capture beauty, bring attention, and move the human race. So if teaching art for me? Maybe for now, maybe forever... but like many things I do to promote my work if it does not ignite a fire then I leave it.

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